Friday, October 10, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Sexual Dysfunction Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

Before reading any article, you might want to read the Ezine article written by Chic Ngo, showing you how to obtain all information which you want to collect.
How to Search For Information You Need
In general, finding information free on search engines requires a lot of patience and is time consuming. Free websites most likely provide only limited information if you are searching for something important. The best choice is to buy it because bought information is usually written by specialists and is copyrighted. [August 13, 2008 10:25:46 am] By Chic Ngo

Erectile Dysfunction Almost Destroyed My Marriage
By Tom Martin

If you are struggling through life suffering from the humiliation and embarrassment of erectile dysfunction, you will relate to my story.

The beginning of my sex life was awesome. No problem getting an erection and sustaining it. In fact, I had a fairly active sex life for most of my life. I married later in life than most people do, so I guess I had more than my fair share of sexual encounters.

I had an English girlfriend who was sexually demanding. It was not a problem because at that point in time I was happy and able to oblige. The relationship went on for three years without a sexual problem but I guess that's all we had going on so eventually we parted.

There was a string of other relationships. I didn't ever have a problem sexually except occasionally I was too fast and got the odd complaint of dissatisfaction. But generally I was complimented, especially, after a few drinks. I have never suffered from Brewer's Droop, and therefore have been able to provide a good performance with plenty of sexual energy and endurance.

Another girlfriend from New Zealand had a healthy sexual appetite. We had a five year relationship which remained sexually active but we did have some problems of incompatibility.

I am relating these chapters in my life to reinforce that I was sexually active until erectile dysfunction struck. It was devastating. I have never experienced anything that has crushed my manhood, and humiliated me as much as impotence. I always thought it was a possible sexual dysfunction experienced by much older people but apparently around half of all men over forty years of age suffer from erectile dysfunction. If you are one of the millions, I sincerely sympathise.

I am going to relate some more of my relationships that were sexually rewarding before mentioning my humiliating experience. Then I will gleefully rant and rave about a natural cure for sexual dysfunction that worked for me. It not only restored my sex life but it actually improved it.

I still think about one of the cutest girlfriends I ever had. She was drop dead gorgeous, a mix of Maltese and Australian. Another sexually demanding Arabian girlfriend did not complain. Then an Australian girlfriend was completely satisfied. A French girlfriend was always happy. A Chinese girlfriend was always pleased. And not a single sign of looming erectile dysfunction.

Then I married. My wife was young and beautiful. She enjoyed sex. We have three gorgeous kids. Our sex life continued with great satisfaction, for many years, then suddenly I lost the ability to get an erection. I loved my wife, and still felt very close and attracted but for some reason I lost the ability to perform sexually. We tried to ignore the problem but it didn't go away. My wife was sexually frustrated. She started flirting with other guys. I knew my marriage could be ruined.

I was stupid just thinking about myself and my problem. Erectile dysfunction had become our problem. I had to find a solution. I found it difficult to talk about erectile dysfunction so I avoided speaking with a doctor. Eventually I took a look on the net, and came up with a lot of offers to cure erectile dysfunction. I dislike synthetic medication so I typed in 'natural herbal cure for erectile dysfunction' and got the result I needed.

Soon after, I had in my possession the perfect sexual enhancer with the ability to cure my problem. Now my wife is very happy, and so am I. Our relationship has been restored. Actually, it has been re-ignited, sex has never been better. And the amazing thing is that I stumbled across these herbal sex pills that happened to have the right combination of herbs and root extracts that not only cured my problem, but dramatically enhanced our sex lives.

I have to confess I have tried several sexual enhancers since discovering the benefits, and believe me they are all different. Synthetic sex pills gave me a number of side effects such as flushes, nasal congestion, nausea, headache and chest pain.

Synthetic pills are effective in producing an erection of the penis, but unlike the herbal equivalent, they are not designed to increase libido or enhance sexual activity. Synthetic pills take much longer than herbal remedies to take effect.

I have found that herbal sex pills actually prolong my sexual activity, sustain hard erections even after ejaculation, increase my energy levels, and enlarge the length and thickness of my penis for fuller penetration.

The natural herbal sex pills that I recommend have been produced from age-old herbal recipes that are a combination of natural herbs and root extracts. Unlike synthetic sex pills, herbal cures for erectile dysfunction are chemical-free, and free from side effects.

Look for natural herbal sexual enhancers that include Tongkat Ali, the most potent natural herbal aphrodisiac known to man. Ginkgo Biloba, a herb that improves the flow of oxygen to the brain. Horny Goat Weed, an aphrodisiac with the ability to heal impotence. Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa seeds which extend the duration of an erection. Cnidium Monnier, an aphrodisiac that relaxes the muscles around the penis resulting in a full sustainable erection, and Tribulus Terristris, an herbal aphrodisiac that induces bigger and harder erections.

I have found through personal experience that the only natural way to achieve and sustain a harder erection is to increase blood flow to the penis. Believe me, herbs are the fastest natural way to increase blood flow, and the safest and most effective treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Tom Martin wants to tell the world about herbal sexual enhancers that are natural herbal erectile dysfunction cures.

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